Contest Table  (12/2004)

Our contest table.


ATV-RX    : Strong analog sattelite reveiver with 2 LNB input's

Sandisk :       Sandisk Photo viewer : The sending image generator.

Monitor switch : Low cost (8€) 4 in -> 1 out switch: Selector for Camera, Sandisk, ATV RX, D-ATV RX to Monitor

Camera     : Output goes to the video divider

Video divider : 1 in 4 out ampilfier to: D-ATV input, 13 cm ATV TX, 23 Cm ATV TX, Monitor switch.

23 cm TX : Ontwerp ON7IZ

13 cm TX : Ontwerp ON7IZ

RX/TX Switch : Remote contol for coax relais, pre-amps and power amplifiers high in the antenna mast.

2M Tranceiver : Kenwood TM-255E 2m 50W all-mode transceiver.

23cm PA: 38W 2 modules

Create RC5-1 antenna rotor

13cm PA: 40W Pre-PA, 200W PA